My epic cooking FACE PLANT

So picture it, Valentine’s evening. I am hopefully and confidently ready to prepare a dinner of love for the family. On special occasions, I love trying new recipes and cooking techniques. I like to “get fancy” and pretend that I am a full-on trained chef.

Well, that prideful confidence came to a shrieking halt on this lovely evening.

It all started and ended with a sauce. A damn Berru Blanc sauce that reads quite simple in the construction but Lord help me in the implementation. Face Plant.

Whisk, Whisk and Whisk the butter in, just keep adding a little at a time and whisk the hell out of it. You should have seen me. Butter bits flying everywhere as I am like, “this is not working, it is not blending, this is just clarified butter”. So I tried again. Finding tips to help. Keep temp low, reduce the wine and add some vinegar. COLD butter and smaller pieces. I got it, I can do this. Umm, face plant again.

What the actual HECK. I can cook WHY oh why is this not working. So I stopped and just decided to let it go. It was 730 and we had to move on with the successful parts of dinner.

But man it made me mad. I felt like a failure. Truly, like I quit. But then my sweet Son spoke up and said. “You only fail if you don’t try it again”. He is sooo right. So yes I will be making it again and honestly will follow my OWN guidelines for trying new things in the kitchen.

  1. Create Time and Space to experiment.

  2. Lower the expectation, ALOT

  3. Don’t do new things for important events

  4. Remember you will not get it right the first time

  5. Relax and have fun. Remember to Play

I share this crazy story to express that I get it, I understand the frustration with new things involving the kitchen. But always remember to breathe and take it one recipe at a time!

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