Let's cook some soup together!

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Online cooking course: Meatball Soup

For my first online class, I chose to share my recipe for meatball soup. Soup is my favorite meal, packing a ton of nutrition into one lovely bowl of goodness. I'll be making a family friendly vegetable meatball soup. 

In this course you will

  • Learn basic prep and introduce you to my favorite real food kitchen tools.
  • Learn how to make your own bone broth. 
  • Work with me to guide you through a step-by-step guide to making the soup from start to finish! 
  • And, a beautiful digital download to keep with ingredients list and recipe!

This ain't no ordinary meatball.

I'll teach you simple cooking tips and tricks and show you how to maximize nutrition with easy steps, modifications for dietary issues and time for Q and A with me. 

Can't do it live? No problem!

You will have full access to this course so you can refer back to it when it works with your schedule.